GX4ABC/P Club Field Weekend

The annual Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Field weekend is nearly here!

A reminder of its location and dates:
Fri 25th, Sat 26th, 27th & 28th Aug 2023
Hook Street, The Field
Located (Behind Hook House)
GL13 9TH

51°41’44.0″N 2°28’16.7″W
What 3 Words Location: thuds.breathing.whistle

There will be a Club BBQ hosted by our Gourmet Chef Paul (M0ZMB) on Sat evening approx starting time between 1700 & 1800, rolls, beefburgers and sausages will be provided but if you have any other preferences please bring them for cooking.

Guests are all welcome to come along and say hello during the event, a social call or to find out more about the club. there is no entry charge for the weekend!

Or just give us a call on GX4ABC/P  


Club Events Aug 2023

Wed 02 Aug
Social & Physical Check Of Kit For Field Day
Wed 09 Aug
Talk “The RSGB News” John Everingham (G4TRN)

16 Aug
Club Members OFCOM Consultation Night

23 Aug
Social & Final Preparation For Field Weekend

Mon 25th, Sat
26th, Sun 27th & Mon 28th Aug
Club Field Weekend

30 Aug
Post Field Weekend Discussion

Club Member Success!

Very pleased to pass the clubs congratulations on to Stan and Paul who recently sat their  Exams at the club and have secured their Call Signs. Paul commented that M7FOD is easy to remember standing for “Forest Of Dean” but we would probably recognise “Foxtrot Oscar Delta” !   

M7YET – Stanley
M7FOD – Paul

Club Events Jul 2023

With Midsummer and the Equinox behind us we enter the second half of the year, we look forward to the annual event of Field Day in Aug but in the mean time here are the known events for July:

05 Jul 2023 SWC & Gateways

Update South West Cluster Repeaters
Overview Of Simplex Gateways

Talk Terry M0TJX  

12 Jul 2023 Fox Hunts
Fox Hunt Discussion Including:

What Is A Fox Hunt
The How To And Techniques 
When & Where

Led by John (M3EQQ)
19 Jul 2023 Field Day Discussion 
Field Day Discussion Including:

Content & Program
Members Assistance To Help Set Up

Led By John (M3EQQ)

26 Jul 2023 OFCOM Consultation
RSGB Guest Andrew Jenner G7KNA