Collieries on the air, Wed 19th June 18.00 to 21.00 BST

TSGARC (G4abc )has registered for The collieries on the air event and will be operating from the Ram Hill historic coal mine Broad Lane, Ram Hill BS36 2TY
At present Rex G4RAE and Myself (M0hfh) will be setting up a small station with a very good antenna Diamond f22 and calling on 2m starting on (s20) 145.500 at 18.00 hrs and moving to a vacant channel.

If you would like to join us at the site an extra pair of hands would be appreciated.

Ram hill is maintained by volunteers and they need some more help if anyone is interested in joining in:- see the face book page:-


Club Antenna Working Party Volunteers needed

On Tuesday morning I went to the Chantry office to enquire about access to the roof and look at the damage to our 40m Dipole.

A Branch from a tree on the far side of the main building has Snapped and come to rest on the cable attached to the RHS of the dipole and this is putting the balun and RG214 under strain and has snapped the dipole on the LHS of the main building and ropes attaching the balun to the central support.

We need a working party for the repairs, a minimum of four people, two on the roof with access from inside of the Chantry and two on the ground to attend to the ropes. The Old antenna needs to be removed firstly; a ladder will be needed to untie the ropes from the trees and some measuring of distances for our new antenna to be installed.

Our Plans are to fit a 40m off centre fed dipole which requires moving the centre point of the antenna to the LHS of its current position. and re-making all ropes and the radiator lengths which can be carried out on a Wednesday evening at club.

3Y0J update QRT expected today due to difficulties.

The team have been reporting to Dx news by satellite radio Link above where you  can watch videos of the expedition and see some of the difficulties they have encountered.

Landing Zodiacs on the shore of the island has been impossible due to the glacier, the team and all the equipment has to enter the water at a buoy 500 ft from the shore connected to the shore with a rope,the team wear survival suits, equipment in water tight drums, all has to be pulled ashore and carried 800 ft to the camp. Very difficult.

videos and daily news on Dx world link above.

John m0hfh


The 3Y0J Team is approaching the 7,000 QSO mark and continues to operate through the ongoing storm.


The Bouvet Island DXpedition
“The most remote uninhabited place on Earth”
Clublog #2 Most Wanted Entity

The link above takes you to the website, which gives some detail into the preparation and cost of the expedition and the terrain the team will be covering. The training for climbing and scaling the Glaciers and moving many tons of equipment.

Interesting reading 

The transport to the Falkland Islands was by RAF transport and they are supported by worldwide amateur radio clubs including the RSGB 

It is estimated 10,000 amateurs per day will be attempting QSO’s so dust off your kw amps. Hi Hi

John m0hfh

RSGB statement: the Russian Federation and Belarus


 | March 4, 2022

The normal stance of amateur radio is that it is apolitical. However, it is clear that recent actions by the Russian Federation and their military have crossed a line and the RSGB cannot in this instance remain neutral.

The policy of the RSGB is that we will follow the actions of the mainstream sporting bodies with regard to all activities of a competitive nature such as contests and ARDF. Russian and Belarusian radio amateurs are therefore currently ineligible to participate in any event that is organised/sponsored by the RSGB.

The policy of the RSGB in commercial activities is that we will refrain from trade with Russia and Belarus until further notice.

RSGB Board

For RSGB Contests, until further notice, all logs received from stations in the Russian Federation or Belarus will be treated as check logs.


CategoryFront Page NewsGB2RS HeadlinesRSGB Notices

NVIS antennas

I have recently been using a half G5RV; very effective for medium distance communications and occasionally Dx.

I recently tried to set up a CW practise sked into north Devon on 40m (7.0 mhz), signals were very weak RST 218 sent at 100 watts with QRM and QSB. Seems this may be the skip zone.
The answer could be NVIS antennas which could also give an opportunity for HF SSB club net, and more contacts in the uk, WAB and SOTA .

Seems worthy of an experiment so Rex and myself will try some experiments as weather allows.

Educational notes:-

You tube:-

Let me know if you set up and NVIS antenna and want to try some experiments

John (M0hfh)

CQ SOTA CQ SOTA Bredon Tower G/CE 003 My first activation of 2022.

Today the wx forecast was cloudy and windy but no rain; I traveled to Bredon Tower with my Hand held 2/70 Baofeng. It was wet and slippery under foot and my skying experience was very useful going downhill on muddy wet grass!. I activated the summit talking to G8LDP in Worcester on 5 watts a qso of 18 miles on 2m, thank you Keith. The round trip from the car park was 3 miles and the elevation for the walk was 184m from the car park. If your interested in joining me on one of the activations i would be pleased with your company.

m0hfh at Bredon Tower

Win an Allstar Node:- enter Bens 2e0BMT’s YouTube competition

Ben 2e0BMT has made a set of youtube videos describing and showing how to build an Allstar node from start to finish.
He uses Peter G7RPG ‘s design.
watch part 1 below for the parts list, – Idiots guide Part 1

to enter the competition subscribe to youtube and like the competition video. competition.

would make a great club project.

good luck
John m0hfh