Mobile Foxhunt 21st June

The club will be holding the first of two Foxhunts, this is the mobile one, so ensure you operate you vehicle safely and legally.

Garry G7NVZ is the fox for the night and will be hidden somewhere in an area no further than 10 miles of Thornbury. Ordnance Survey Explorer 167 (1:25000) will cover the area completely. Due to the area covered by Ordnance Survey Landranger (1:50000) map sheets 162 & 172 as Thornbury is in the area covered by the overlap of the sheets. Sheet 162 will have the Northern part of the where the fox could be and sheet 172 will have Southern part.

The fox will be hidden and ready to transmit by 19:30. The first transmission will on 145.500 and move to a free frequency around 145.400-145.450. After the first transmission subsequent transmissions will take place on the quarter hour 3mins. Power will be reduced as the evening goes on.       

Our normal meeting room at the Chantry will not be available for the evening …


Club Events Jun 2023 A

During June 2023 the following Talks / Videos will be covered:

07-06-2023 – Garry (G7NVZ)
Garry will be doing a “Workshop / Talk”  covering the clubs web site including information available and how to post items etc. If there is anything specific you want covered please let Garry or myself know in advance.

14-06-2023 – Led By Garry (G7NVZ)
Fox Hunt discussion
Note: Amateur Radio Exams will be taking place in another part of The Chantry which will not interfere with normal Club activities. 

Mobile Fox Hunt Event 
More detail will be published when available 

Club Events May 2023

During May 2023 the following Talks / Videos will be covered:

03-05-2023 – Terry (MR0TJX)
Tim Peake’s journey to the ISS with an internal tour by Sunita Williams and concluding with “How To Work The ISS”

24-05-2023 – Terry (MR0TJX)
Overview of the AllStar Link and technology  

International Amateur Radio Day

International Amateur Radio Day – Came into existence in the city of Paris on 18 Apr 1925 following the discovery that the “Short Wave Spectrum” could unite people across the world. Since those days interest in Amateur Radio has grown with over 3 million licensed operators. The invention is celebrated across the world with Amateurs “Skipping an Oscillated Wave Signal” across the globe over thousands of miles bringing people and communities together. All long before the invention of the World Wide Web!   

Club AGM For 2023-2024 Period

The Club’s AGM will be held on Wed 05 Apr 2023 1930 for a 2000 start, refreshments and sandwiches will be provided.

AGM Agenda:

  1. Introductions & Welcome
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of Previous AGM
  4. Chairman’s Report
  5. Secretary’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Election of 2023-2024 Committee
  8. AOB
  9. Close