G4YKB Long Wire

So..a new arrival at the shack in the form of a G4YKB long wire with some pics from a day or so ago when erecting in Summer (as opposed to how things are today!). Still saving the pennies for my Midi Loop system and wanted to get onto Low Bands so up she went. Yes and before anyone asks….and for the sake of the neighbours we happen to have very large washing!!!!  Very easy to install (took all of 30 minutes that included coffee) and works flawlessly tuning onto 40 and 80 with ease. Works 20 without external tuner and hardly touches the internal ATU of my 7300. Some call it a compromise which I guess it is compared with the Q and selectivity of the Midi Loop but hay it works and thats good enough for now! Well made kit highly recommend it.


Mark M0RZS

Interesting post from the Tutors forum.

I have just found that a post that I cut from a tutors forum last year was stuck in ‘Drafts’ so have dug it out as it is still relevant.

Regards Peter G4OST

‘Club gets grant to teach amateur radio
Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:57 pm (PDT) . Posted by: “M5AKA” m5aka
Good to see the Bittern DX Group took the trouble to fill out a Big Lottery Grant form to get £10,000 for use with Amateur Radio Educational Outreach.

They have already received newspaper coverage as a result, see

Bittern DXers get 10k Lottery Grant

Lottery Funds are available for any club to get amateur radio equipment and Training items such as projectors, PC’s etc.
73 Trevor M5AKA’

Railways On The Air at Vale of Berkeley Railway

On Saturday 23rd September 2017 the club will be running a special event station for ROTA at Sharpness. Setup from about 09:00 with aim to be on air by 10:00.

If you are planning on coming please bring a handheld and call GB4VBR on 145.500 to gain access as some parts of the site are restricted due to the nature of what they do there.

Please do not park in front of the houses on either side of the road, if you come along.

ROTA 2017

Everything is ready for Saturday at the Vale of Berkeley Railway for Railways On The Air. At the moment we have only 2 people attending and it would be nice if we could get a couple more even if only for an hour or so.
If you are interested please see Rex or John.
Our callsign will be GB4VBR.

Railways On The Air 2017

Rex (G4RAE), John (M0HFH) and myself (M6EAT) made an interesting visit to the Vale of Berkeley Railway on Saturday in preparation for ROTA on Saturday 23rd September.
We are undertaking a short visit again this Saturday for some antenna prep and then we will be ready for the day.
We could still do with some more radio operators for the day as I am actually away on holiday. The railway are very interested in this and have given the club the use of the boardroom for the day so everything will be nice and warm and dry.
If anyone can make a few hours then please let one of use know.

Museum of Internal Fire.

As mentioned at the club Wednesday, whilst on holiday last week I visited the Museum of Internal Fire at Tanygroes, Ceredigion. SA43 2JS. www.internalfire.com

As well as lots of engines they have lots of things of interest to the radio amateur including a radio room, radio equipment, testing equipment, telephone equipment, ships radio rooms and a small titanic display where you can also hear the last message sent by the Titanic.

Here are some pictures of the visit taken on my phone.

I have a few more if people are interested.

Well worth a visit if you are in the area.
